
令和2年度 全商英語スピーチコンテスト熊本県大会








最優秀賞 熊本県立鹿本商工高等学校 平田 クリシナ カイリ さん
優秀賞 熊本市立千原台高等学校 木村 友香 さん
優秀賞 熊本県立翔陽高等学校 東良 柚菜 さん


最優秀賞 熊本市立千原台高等学校 デ グズマン アリーア ジャネル さん
優秀賞 熊本県立翔陽高等学校 武内 斗吾 さん
優秀賞 熊本県立松橋高等学校 松本 美香 さん

3.講 評  (審査員長:熊本学園大学 外国語学部 教授 米岡ジュリ先生)


Comments for the participants

This year, as every year, we very much enjoyed listening to your recitations and speeches. But this year was especially interesting and important for us, as many of the other speech, recitation and debate contests we usually join were cancelled due to Covid19.  Therefore, we doubly appreciated the hard work of the participants as well as the preparations taken by the organizers of this year’s very special

contest. We are sure you would have liked to see everyone else’s presentations, but unfortunately this was impossible.  Be assured, however, that everyone did a great job!

It seemed that many of you worked even harder than in past years (perhaps because you had more time to devote?) and all of you did an excellent job, especially in memorization. We were pleasantly surprised and impressed with the overall quality of performance.  In terms of pronunciation, however, we would like to suggest that you try to slow down, take the time to enunciate your words clearly, especially those that are essential for understanding what you are trying to say. You have worked hard and said your speeches over and over, many times. But please remember that your judges may be hearing the story for the first time, and it is important that you make sure that WE understand every word. For example, for recitation A, key words and phrases such as samurai, monk, prayers, death, moon and the rest are mere appearances are extremely important for the understanding of the overall story. A special note on the four speeches: each one was unique, well-written, thought-provoking, and excellently delivered, even though one was a bit too short.  

Whether you are performing a recitation or a speech, the most important thing is to make it your own. More than just words or gestures, a convincing performance needs pauses and variation in voice pitch, speed and loudness to convey the true meaning. To make a speech your own, timing is of the utmost importance. Remember, being too fast with a speech is as bad as being too slow.  You may think that judges will be impressed with your fluency if you finish your speech as quickly as possible, but it is difficult to understand your feelings (and often your pronunciation!) if you rush too quickly.

A word on gestures and facial expressions: they help.  They are not necessary, but they can often be used effectively to make the speech your own.  You speak not only with words, but with your whole body. You are not a computer, but a human being! Let us know your feelings!

Finally, congratulations to all of you on a job well done!  Whether you won or not, you showed great courage and energy, especially in this difficult time. We, your judges, are sure you will remember this experience fondly for a long time to come!

Judy Yoneoka, Kumamoto Gakuen University




